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Межбуквенный интервал:
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The institute will be engaged in phishing detection
Integral Research Institute joins competent organizations pool
A meeting with competent organizations took place at RIW 20/21
Six percent of Russian users end up on fraud websites
A Coordination Center expert talked at the 15th International Forum “Partnership between the State, Business and Civil Society in Ensuring International Information Security.”
Creating and improving the security ecosystem is a continuous process
The UIC Dev conference took place in Izhevsk on September 18
UIC Dev participants learn about Domain Patrol project
Only 85 new coronavirus-related domains appeared in August
Rate of coronavirus-related domain registrations almost halves
The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ project, Domain Patrol, marks its first anniversary
Domain patrol: Year on the watch
Director of the Coordination Center Andrey Vorobyev was interviewed by the Internet User Safety website.
Coordination Center Director Andrey Vorobyev gives an interview on internet security
The Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ continues to monitor the registration rate of COVID-19 related domains in the .RU and .РФ ccTLDs
Speed of coronavirus related domain registrations stabilizes
Please be especially careful when visiting websites with references to QR codes and certificates.
The number of coronavirus-related domains is growing
Long weekend apparently reduced cyberthreats
Corona-domain registrations drop by one third in May
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